- CACS Protect Students First Act
- FY 25 Compact 1
- FY 25 Right to know letter
- PPRA Notice to Parents
- FY25 LEA Parent and Family Engagement Policy
- Comprehensive Needs Assessment 2022-2023 District Report
- American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act ESSER III-LEA Application
- American Rescue Plan – 2023 Budget
- Cirrus-Academy-Charter-School-Compact-2023-2024
- Cirrus Academy Charter School ELL Policy
- FY23 Cirrus Academy Federal Program Manual (Revised)
- Homeless Liaison Policy and Procedure
- Consolidated_LEA_PLAN_FY2025_CurrentCopy
Annual Report Card Information:
LEAs that receive Title I, Part A funds are required to place their district’s Annual Report Card and each of their school’s Annual Report Card on their websites. Below is a copy of ESEA Section 1111(h)(2) with the specifics of this requirement.
(A) PREPARATION AND DISSEMINATION.—A local educational agency that receives assistance under this part Title I, Part A shall prepare and disseminate an annual local educational agency report card that includes information on such agency as a whole and each school served by the agency.
(B) IMPLEMENTATION.—Each local educational agency report card shall be—
(i) Concise;
(ii) Presented in an understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand; and
(iii) Accessible to the public, which shall include—
(I) placing such report card on the website of the local educational agency; and
(II) in any case in which a local educational agency does not operate a website, providing the information to the public in another manner determined by the local educational agency.
In Georgia, the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) prepares Georgia’s State, LEA, and School Annual Report Cards and posts them on their website (https://gosa.georgia.gov/report-card). Back in 2019, GOSA created a unique URL link for each LEA and each LEA’s schools to assist in meeting this ESEA requirement.
GOSA has updated the URL link for each LEA and school. Therefore, please update the LEA and School website with this new URL link. When LEAs post this URL link on their district’s website and push it out to each school’s website, they will have met the ESEA requirement. Title I would like to thank Jackie Lundberg and Michael Moore of GOSA for developing these URLs.
Below is the specific URL link containing your LEA’s report card as well as each School’s report card. Please appropriately post this URL link on the district’s website in a location easy for parents to find. Should you have any questions, please contact me: [email protected]