Cirrus Academy Charter School’s response to COVID-19 is based on information within Georgia’s Path to Recovery for K-12 Schools. Georgia’s Path to Recovery for K-12 Schools focuses heavily on the health and physical requirements necessary for reopening school buildings. This plan is not intended to be an exhaustive or detailed list of expectations but will provide an overview for anticipated guidance for re-entry into the traditional setting on August 3, 2022.
This plan is built upon the guidance and recommendations of the CDC and health officials. It is strongly aligned with the reopening guidelines that have been provided by our state and federal leaders, and it’s designed to help prioritize the health and safety of scholars and staff as we open the school to deliver instruction for the 2022 –2023 school year.
We value the safety of our staff and scholars, and we continue to stay up to date with all of the latest updates on COVID-19 and we will continuously monitor the guidance of state and federal leaders to determine the safest options. . We will keep scholar and staff safety at the forefront of our decisions.
*Please note that this plan will be revised as needed.